Sabrina and Beatrice
Glad to see you in my corner of cyberspace. Yes, my name is Sabrina and I am on the left of this photo. On the right is my dear friend Beatrice. Aren't we the sweetest things on this website? :-) here we are, at the Magnolia Snack Bar at Centrepoint in Singapore tucking into some lovely laksa and mee rebus.

I created this site with the intention of showing you, my dear readers and web astronauts, some things about me and some of the lovely things I love to do with my time. My friends mean a lot to me, and as you can see, I absolutely adore cats. I have a whole homepage made for the cats around my block so just scroll around and see!

Some pictures | WorldCom pics | Cats at Clementi | Chiang Mai trip October 2005 | Chiang Mai trip August 2006